Sunday, June 7, 2009

American Tyranny

Everyone knows that President Obama hopes that the Supreme Court will have empathy. We all know that empathy, in regards to judicial decisions, is contrary to the rule of law. Using the federal bench as a means for the government to empathize with the American people will further erode the rule of law, one of the foundational pillars of our great country.

Empathy is favoritism when used to decide disputes. The greatness of our society, the reason that America is a beacon of hope throughout the world, is due in no small part to the fact that justice is administered equally, without respect to race, gender or ethnicity, and is based on reason. Using empathy, the Supreme Court will be picking winners and losers in society based not on logical reasoning and the law but on sentiments and feelings. The rule of law, and not the rule of empathy, is what ensures that we are free from the whims of our political leaders (i.e. tyranny).

In addition to tossing aside the rule of law, President Obama has tossed aside the free market by tampering with General Motors and Chrysler. The actions of the Obama Administration are tyrannical because they have subjected the American society to empathy from the government. A misguided attempt by the Obama Administration, a process which began under the Bush Administration, to empathize with the workers of GM and Chrysler has distorted the market and subjected our economic system to the whims of politicians. These actions are tyranny, plain and simple, albeit tyranny with a gentle touch.

In both the judiciary and the economy, President Obama has taken actions that are revealing a pattern of behavior that should clue us in on his core beliefs. If he truly believes that it is the role of the government to empathize with the American people, and his actions suggest that he does, his core principles are contrary to those of our founders and those principles outlined in our sacred founding documents.

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