Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gay Marriage Cannot Exist!

A common complaint against social conservatives is that they try to control your life in the bedroom. Some people may want to control your life in the bedroom but this is an archaic notion that does not apply to conservatives today. In fact, a true conservative who believes in the notions of individual rights and liberty simply cannot believe it is the right of the government on any level to interfere with the sexual preferences of anyone.

As a social conservative myself I believe that what you do in your bedroom is your own business. I cannot and do not intend to try to stop homosexuals from doing anything - except get married. Marriage is a special case because the marital union is based on Judeo-Christian principles which define marriage as between a man and a woman and is thus a religious institution.

Civil unions on the other hand, which are unions that afford homosexual couples the same legal rights as married couples, is acceptable. It is not the business of the state to erode the sanctity of marriage. The state is concerned with the legal aspects of marriage and should allow homosexuals the same rights as heterosexuals through civil unions. Conservatives should remain staunch defenders of the sacred institution of marriage but ought to realize the inherent legal inequalities that exists when homosexual couples are not allowed the same legal rights as heterosexuals.

Yes, I know, marriage is a legal institution and if homosexuals aren't allowed to be married then they do not have equal rights. That is why marriage should no longer be any business of the state. Civil unions ought to apply to both heterosexuals and homosexuals while marriage should remain solely under the jurisdiction of the church. In other words, heterosexuals and homosexuals would have access to the same legal rights under the institution of civil unions. However, heterosexual couples who have entered into civil unions ought to only qualify their union as marriage if their union is recognized by their church. The key to legal equality is to do as the Bible teaches us when it says "give to God what is God's and give to Caesar what is Caesar's." Marriage belongs to God and civil unions to Caesar.

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